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A heart of trade

Trade in the District is expressed through various forms.

Thanks to the consolidated production traditions and the intangible features of the territory (such as history or the landscape), trade in the district is expressed through innumerable variations. From agri-food products to the culinary and catering tradition, from craftsmanship and manufacturing up to industrial excellence without forgetting the tourism sector of which accommodation and the offer of leisure services are a full part.

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Trade has always been very important and thrives. Wonderful and varied local produce great restaurants, not to mention expert craftmanship, businesses and tourism which are very important too. In this part of Piemonte the landscape is also extremely important. Here we find the ‘sea of hills’ or as it is called here ‘bric e foss’ which means woods and vineyards and more north of the Po River we find the rice fields full of water.

In our area we have truffles, wines such as Barbera, Grignolino, Ruche’…. or other foods such as the cheese from Cocconato’ which are specific to that area or the hazelnuts in Portacomaro, Lu and Cuccaro, the rice by the Po River, the ‘razza Piemontese’ meat of Moncalvo or the spirits of Altavilla. There are also a lot of shops which have a long tradition in the main towns. We have a lot of castles, ‘agriturismi’, B&B and Charming hotels.

Moncalvo, Cocconato and Ozzano Monferrato have been awarded the ‘Bandiera Arancione del Touring Club Italiano’ while Cella Monte and Cocconato ‘I borghi piu’ belli d’Italia’.