Consolidated traditions in some cases even centuries-old.
The soul of Monferrato is particularly expressed on the occasion of the rich calendar of events that take place every year in the area, often based on consolidated traditions in some cases even centuries-old.
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There is a rich calendar, full of events which occur every year. Some of the events have been taking place for centuries. Country fairs like the truffle one happening between the end of September and November in Moncalvo, Murisengo, Montechiaro, Montiglio Monferrato and Cella Monte. In December there is the ‘Fiera del Bue Grasso’ (fair of the Fat Ox) which takes place in Moncalvo. It is one of the oldest ones and it has been taking place for almost 400 years. There are also some seasonal events such as ‘ViviVerde’ in Castell’Alfero (25th April), ‘Vivere in Campagna’ in Terrugia (in May), ‘Coniolo Fiori’ (mid-May) and ‘Ponzano in Giardini Aperti’ in Ponzano Monferrato to enjoy and celebrate the blossoms and life in the open air.
There are some historical ones, such as the Fiera di San Marco in Cocconato (end of April) or big country fairs dedicated to certain produce. Just to mention a few: The Asparagus one in Fubine Monferrato (in May), The cherry one in Cereseto (in June), The Veal one in Montechiaro (in July), the Agnolotti and stufato d’asino (donkey stew) in Calliano (in June and August), ‘La festa delle cucine monferrine (in June) in Moncalvo or ‘La Rassegna dell’Agricoltura’ in Tonco (in September). There are also ‘feste patronali’ in honour to the patron saints: ‘La Madonna del Carmelo’ in Castello d’Annone (in July), ‘San Giovanni’ in Ozzano and Cerrina Monferrato (in June), and ‘Santa Lucia’ in Conzano (in December). There are also some artistic and musical events such as ‘Vignale Danza’ and ‘Moncalvo in danza’ during summer, concerts of the ‘Monferrato Classic Festival’ and ‘Idea Valcerrina’, ‘Monferrato on Stage’.
The ‘Guglielmo Caccia festival’ in Moncalvo (in August), ‘Montemagno sotto le stelle’ (in August) or the special ‘Saltinpiazza Festival’ in Viarigi (in August) dedicated to the circus and street performances. There are also unique events like ‘La giostra del Pitu’ in Tonco (in March/April), ‘Il Pa(g)lio Ragliante’ in Calliano (in October) or ‘La vendemmia in Arte’ in Rosignano Monferrato (in October). There are also walking tours to discover the area and regional and national events such ‘Cantine Aperte’ (open cellars in May), Calici di Stelle (in August) or the well-known ‘Golosaria’ (in September).
A special mention goes to the events that showcase the wines of the area: ‘Festa del Ruche’ ‘in Castagnole Monferrato (in May) and ‘Coccowine’ in Cocconato (in September), ‘La festa del Malvasia’ in Casorzo (in September) and ‘Che Grana di Grignolino’ in Grana (in July). There are also some sports events like cycle races, rallies, running races and other races both competitive and amateur.